Fara í efni  

Nature conservation

On the boundaries of Akranes town, to the northwest, is the nature reserve of Blautós and Innstavogsnes, which is protected in accordance with the Nature Conservation Act. There are specific rules that apply to the treatment of this area, and every endeavour shall be made to avoid causing disruption to it. The size of the area is 288 ha. and it is protected due to the characteristics of its terrain, in particular as regards the ponds, mires, salt marshes and mud flats, and the rich bird life that can be found there. The area is a popular stopover for many species of migratory birds and some birds lay their eggs there. 

There is a policy for the conservation of the town's surroundings, determined by the town authorities. This conservation policy is defined in the town's organisational laws in the form of provisions regarding area regulation, land use planning and specific planning in connection with the conservation of the characteristics of older population areas, other cultural and historical remains or natural sitesNearly all the coastline of Akranes is protected according to this conservation policy with the exception of the harbour, Lambhúsasund and Leyni due to its landscape, natural characteristics and the rich bird life, and these areas also have great value as outdoor recreational areas.

The Day of the Environment is celebrated in Iceland on the 25th of April each year. On this occasion, an annual spring cleaning takes place in Akranes where the people of the township join forces and clean the town after the dormancy of a long winter. Until now, the spring cleaning has begun at the end of April and gone on through the beginning of May. The institutions of the town of Akranes, such as the kindergartens and primary schools, are particularly diligent when it comes to keeping the environment clean and environmental education features very prominently in the town's schools. 

In the autumn, yard owners in Akranes are required to trim the vegetation that has grown over the boundaries of their yards. This is mostly to ensure safe and easy passage on the town's footpaths for both cyclists and pedestrians. Such trimming is also necessary in connection with the clearing of snow and spreading of salt over icy surfaces on the footpaths in Akranes. Yard owners are particularly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the rules of the town of Akranes regarding the treatment of yard plots.

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á síðu
  • AkraneskaupstaðurDalbraut 4, 300 Akranes
    Kt: 410169-4449

  • 433 1000
    Skrifstofan er opin sem hér segir:
    Mánu- fimmtudaga kl. 09:00-15:00
    Föstudaga kl. 09:00-12:00